我們希望練習瑜伽可以帶來身體和心靈之外的改變,所以在每個月的最後一個星期天提供實體與線上的公益課程! 課程將於前一個星期天開放預約,名額有限。
公益課程提供三個費用的選擇:$100, $500, $1,000元。所收取的費用將全數捐給瑜伽之光當月所選擇的公益機構,為社會盡一分力量。
Change can start on the mat!
We hope to induce change outside of our bodies and minds, and that’s why we are offering Charity Yoga classes on the last Sunday of every month, both in-person and on-line!
There are three options for the class: $100, $500 and $1,000. Once you've purchased the Charity Yoga Class Package, you can then book the class accordingly.
All proceeds from the class go towards a charity nominated by Light of Yoga so that we can do our bits for the society too.
Booking starts the Sunday prior and seats are limited.